The American Improv Main Stage is a fully improvised comedy show in English featuring some of Austria’s most talented young improvisers. Watch our Main Stage Company improvise a one hour comedy show for you from scratch. See dramatic, touching, exciting, hilarious stories unfold for the first and only time right before your eyes. Everything is based on your suggestions! Come see the English language comedy sensation that is American Improv.
American Improv is Chicago-style, organic, and story-driven improvisational theater in Vienna, Austria. Play and learn together with supportive people in a safe space. Learn how to fail with confidence and still deliver a winning performance. Tell stories that move the audience and create an epic tale together with your partners on stage. Meet like-minded people and build friendships that last a lifetime. Find out more at
Gonzagasse 11 / Ecke Werdertorgasse
A-1010 Wien