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Masters of Improv: Messing with Lehr

American Improv presents Susan Messing and John Lehr in „Masters of Improv: Messing with Lehr“, an improvised comedy spectacular. This show is completely improvised. Everything that happens on stage is inspired by your suggestions, has never been seen before, and will never be seen again. Get ready to laugh your head off!

About Susan Messing

Susan Messing, a NJ native and graduate of Northwestern University’s Theatre School, has been an improviser and comedian for 35 years. She is an alumna of the iO Theatre, Second City’s Mainstage, and a founding member of Chicago’s infamous Annoyance Theatre. Susan currently teaches for The University of Chicago.

About John Lehr

John Lehr is the star/creator/writer for “10 Items or Less” (TBS), “JailBait” (Sony/Crackle) and “Quickdraw” (Hulu). John has appeared in numerous television series, including “Friends” and was a series regular on “Jesse,”. His feature film roles include “The Sweetest Thing,” and three Noah Baumbach films, “Kicking and Screaming,” “Mr. Jealousy,” and “Highball.”

About American Improv

American Improv is Chicago-style, organic, and story-driven improvisational theater in Vienna, Austria. Play and learn together with supportive people in a safe space. Fail with confidence and still deliver a winning performance. Tell stories that move the audience and create an epic tale together with your partners on stage. Meet like-minded people and build friendships that last a lifetime. Find out more at www.americanimprov.com

Weitere Termine

27.Januar 2023, 20:15 Uhr
28.Januar 2023, 20:15 Uhr

Gonzagasse 11 / Ecke Werdertorgasse
A-1010 Wien