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Maestro – Impro Comedy Show

The excitement, the fun, the drama – experience Maestro Impro(TM), the most famous theatresports format across the world!
Improvisors from Vienna’s vibrant improv scene will be joined by international guests to fight for the audience’s favor. The show has an elimination structure, where randomly chosen improvisors play scenes with each other. The directors set up the scenes, which will be scored by the audience. The players given the highest scores continue while those with lower numbers leave the show. This goes on for several rounds until only one improvisor remains – the Maestro.

Directed by Lee White and Shawn Fisher
MC: Christof Schmidt
Piano: Eric Ziegelbauer

Eine Veranstaltung von ViennaImprov: https://ViennaImprov.org
Maestro Impro(TM) is created (c) by Keith Johnstone. All Rights Reserved.

Weitere Termine

13.Dezember 2024, 20:00 Uhr
06.März 2024, 20:00 Uhr
26.November 2023, 19:30 Uhr
15.September 2023, 20:00 Uhr
09.Februar 2025, 12:10 Uhr
06.Juni 2023, 20:00 Uhr
29.April 2023, 19:30 Uhr
13.Januar 2023, 20:00 Uhr
04.Dezember 2022, 19:30 Uhr
07.September 2022, 20:00 Uhr
Show Impro
08.November 2022, 20:00 Uhr
Einlass ab: 19:30 Uhr

Gonzagasse 11 / Ecke Werdertorgasse
A-1010 Wien