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American Improv Main Stage Company

American Improv Main Stage Company

The American Improv Main Stage Company features some of Vienna’s finest English-speaking improvisers today. Come and see our cast members improvise hilarious, dramatic, and touching scenes and stories that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

About American Improv

American Improv is Chicago-style, organic, and story-driven improvisational theater in Vienna, Austria. Play and learn together with supportive people in a safe space. Learn how to fail with confidence and still deliver a winning performance. Tell stories that move the audience and create an epic tale together with your partners on stage. Meet like-minded people and build friendships that last a lifetime. Find out more at www.americanimprov.com.


Von:  13.03.2022  19:00

Bis:  13.03.2022  19:15


You must be fully vaccinated (1G-rule-compliant) and wear an FFP2-mask to participate. This is an English language event. Your purchase is not refundable. Tax exempt pursuant to § 6 Abs. 1 Z 27 UStG.

Diese Veranstaltung ist
13.März 2022, 19:15 Uhr

Gonzagasse 11 / Ecke Werdertorgasse
A-1010 Wien