Three of Europe’s top American comics are back for another night of twisted but true stand-up comedy from our favorite dumpster fire called ‚Murrica.
This month we bring out the big guns with our special guest:
Sid Singh (California) returns! Well ok no, this is his first time here but if time is a flat circle, then is it truly? I wouldn’t know, I’m just a comedy bio. Sid lives in London occasionally but normally is just on tour somewhere and so now is finally at our show! Is he funny or is he just loud? That’s what a lady once asked in a review before asking why he wasn’t famous! What a confusing review about a confusing man! Anyway, we know you like him more than she did!
Along with our killer patriots:
Aislinn Kane (Tennessee/California) is a young but seasoned comedian based in Vienna, Austria. An American Expat with a suspicious number of passports and a duffle bag of various currencies allegedly buried in a desert somewhere, she engages audiences with quick-witted humor and absurd anecdotes from her unconventional life and experiences living abroad. She makes up one third of the Gays and Theys Comedy trio, a travelling LGBTQ+ comedy show that tours Eastern Europe out of both a sincere desire to help others laugh and pure spite.
Jacob Liss (California) is a traitorous Benedict Arnold type, who has left their native sunny California for the piping hot Schnitzel of Central Europe. They’re fast, they’re funny, they’re non-binary, and they’re HOT. Their comedy combines artistic subtlety with ridiculous NONsubtlety. They promise something for everyone, even Grandma. Especially Grandma.
Accordion Ryan (New Jersey) is a musical comedian originally from the USA but currently based in Vienna, Austria. With his clever, witty texts, he uses his accordion and voice to tell vivid stories that straddle the line between humor and sincerity. He has performed both in venues and on the streets all over North America and Europe, including a full run of his solo show at the 2022 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and is now excited to bring his talents to American Horror Stories once again!
TIMES: Doors 7.00 PM | Showtime: 8.00 PM
VENUE: The wonderful CAFE AERA
TICKETS: Early Bird/Online12€, Student 10€, 15€ at the door!
Gonzagasse 11 / Ecke Werdertorgasse
A-1010 Wien