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A Drinking Game – Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Hosted by Nicola Ségur
Performed by Doug Andrews, Caroline Krug, Katharina Smutny, Emily Busvine, Ricky McMurry


A group of actors and a host perform a staged reading of a script in front of a live audience.

When certain pre-determined phrases (buzzwords) are read out loud, a bell rings and the audience and/or actors take a sip from their drinks.

Audience members are encouraged to participate, but are not required to drink alcohol


  • No one under the age of 18 years is allowed to attend the show.
  • Anyone who has a beverage in hand can participate. The beverage does not have to be alcoholic. A beverage is not required to watch the show.
  • There are usually 4-5 buzzwords per show and they are articulated to the audience before the show starts.
  • Actors follow the same buzzwords as the audience as well as additional „actor-only“ buzzwords.
27.Juli 2024, 20:00 Uhr
Einlass ab: 19:30 Uhr

Gonzagasse 11 / Ecke Werdertorgasse
A-1010 Wien